[CentralOH] COhPy August Meeting and the Future

Damien Calloway damiencalloway at fastmail.com
Thu Aug 16 18:31:32 EDT 2018


I am able to speak on GUI development in modern Python. I have been
working with Brad on the weekends for a while now, and we have gone
through many projects.
Will a Python GUI talk for the next meeting be good for you?


On Wed, Aug 15, 2018, at 6:21 PM, joe friedrich wrote:
> I volunteer to mc the August Meeting.  Will see what I can do about
> being the MC going forward if I'm not stepping on any toes.> 
> On Wed, Aug 15, 2018, 7:29 PM Eric Floehr
> <eric at intellovations.com> wrote:>> Hi Everyone,
>> I'm not going to be able to make the August meetup, as I will be
>> presenting at the National Weather Association annual conference.>> 
>> I need someone to run the meeting again this month.
>> Also, I didn't get much response last month about helping run this
>> meetup as we move forward. This meetup exists only through the
>> contributions of its members, and will die if no-one wants to
>> volunteer to help build and run this group, and no-one wishes to
>> contribute by speaking, leading, or volunteering.>> 
>> We are coming up on our 10th anniversary next year. It's been an
>> amazing run, and in that time Python has grown exponentially in
>> popularity. It's now one of the first languages of web development,
>> data science, devops, and more.>> 
>> If this group is going to survive another 10 years it needs help. I'm
>> looking to build a group of 6+ members who will help grow and run
>> this meetup going forward. I've reached my limit on how much I can
>> grow the meetup and how much time I can invest struggling to round up
>> speakers, advertising the meetings, and running the meetings. I'm
>> looking for help, and fresh ideas, and fresh enthusiasm to take this
>> group to places I alone cannot.>> 
>> One of the great successes of our Meetup has been the weekly Dojo,
>> and it was conceived and run organically by awesome volunteers... I'm
>> sure I'll forget some people, but Mark Erbaugh, Jim Prior, and Travis
>> Risner have given a lot of their time to create a great environment
>> and resource for the community. I know there are more great ideas
>> waiting to happen.>> 
>> We are also reaching the limits of the venue that Pillar graciously
>> provides us. And when they move to the Short North 711 building, we
>> may have more parking issues. So in the next year we'll need to start
>> figuring out our monthly meetings. Do we split into special interest
>> groups -- web, data science, beginners, etc., find another venue, or
>> cap the number of attendees, like the Ruby group does?>> 
>> Again, this meetup is only the sum of it's inputs, and I don't have
>> the answers. But together maybe we can figure it out. Please reply or
>> contact me if you'd like to volunteer to help COhPy continue to serve
>> the community of Pythonistas and grow to even greater heights in the
>> next 10 years of it's existence.>> 
>> Thanks so much!
>> Best Regards,
>> Eric
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