[CentralOH] 'git gui','swig', and Tk under Python3

R P Herrold herrold at owlriver.com
Thu Mar 30 12:26:15 EDT 2017

Jim Prior and I were discussing approaches to Python this 
morning, and I mentioned a couple of 'dark corners' of which 
he was unaware

1. 'git' has a GUI available (packaged separately on CentOS 7, 
but part of the 'within the four corners of the base' 
mainstream there nonetheless

2. And a conversion tool which includes Python code as a 
target to emit: swig

from: rpm -qi swig

URL         : http://swig.sourceforge.net/

Summary : Connects C/C++/Objective C to some high-level 
programming languages 

Description : Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator 
(SWIG) is a software development tool for connecting C, C++ 
and Objective C programs with a variety of high-level 
programming languages.  SWIG is primarily used with Perl, 
Python and Tcl/TK, but it has also been extended to Java, 
Eiffel and Guile. SWIG is normally used to create high-level 
interpreted programming environments, systems integration, and 
as a tool for building user interfaces

3. and a separate -doc sub-package as well

I've been building Python user facing tool widgets for an 'all 
three platforms' and report that the Tk based GUI tools work 
'just fine' under Python 3


-- Russ herrold

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