[CentralOH] Async buffer generation update

Eric Floehr eric at intellovations.com
Wed Jun 22 16:53:14 EDT 2016

Thank you Neil and Andrew for getting me pointed in the right direction.
Here is where I am now.

I've taken Neil's suggestion of a Queue, and am using the multiprocessing
module's Queue which is thread-safe, and am using that as the audio buffer.
I then use multiprocessing's Process class to throw the generation process
into a separate process, like so:

import multiprocessing

audio_bytes = multiprocessing.Queue(maxsize=int(RATE/4.0))

def generate_samples():
    while True:
        audio_bytes.put((round(random.random() * VOLRANGE) + MINVOL))

def get_samples(in_data, frame_count, time_info, status_flags):
    out_data = b""
    for _ in range(frame_count):
        out_data += pack('h', audio_bytes.get())
    return out_data, pyaudio.paContinue

def main():
    sound_process = multiprocessing.Process(target=generate_samples)

Currently, I'm using a buffer size of a quarter of a second. I'm still not
using a generator to create the samples, but I'm working towards that. I
wanted to get the basics down first.

I also thought that I could use asyncio's ensure_future() to accomplish
effectively the same thing effectively, except asyncio is just concurrent,
whereas multiprocessing is parallel (I believe?).

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