[CentralOH] Pluto flyby images in Python

Eric Miller miller.eric.t at gmail.com
Tue Aug 25 03:00:15 CEST 2015

some support graphics for the barycenter phenomenon:

On Mon, Aug 24, 2015 at 7:21 PM, Eric Floehr <eric at intellovations.com>

> In July, the New Horizons Pluto spacecraft buzzed by Pluto. Some of the
> images have started to have been released, but this process will take a
> long time (due to the faint signal it can only transmit at less than 1200
> baud, or 1,000 bits per second).
> Someone took some Python code and aligned background stars between images
> to create this background-stabilized flyby of Pluto from the images that
> have been released:
> http://gfycat.com/RealisticGregariousHeterodontosaurus#?speed=0.5
> The thing that immediately is noticeable is that the barycenter (the
> center of mass) of Pluto and Charon is outside of Pluto's diameter. Think
> how you would rotate swinging a heavy bucket on a string. Here is how he
> did it using Python and OpenCV:
> http://matthewearl.github.io/2015/08/11/pluto-flyby/?take=two
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