[CentralOH] Nuitka vs Cython

James Bonanno james at atlantixeng.com
Mon Apr 6 16:05:35 CEST 2015

In another follow up from last week, I compiled some basic programs with 
Nuitka. It's actually somewhat impressive that you can compile a static 
python program to a standalone C++ executable. For the various reasons 
that I talked about last week, I still prefer Cython. However, Nuitka is 
promising ...

Below I show a python file, math.py, that is compile to an executable in 
one command line statement.

%% file math.py

def fib(n):
     """Print the Fibonacci series up to n."""
     a, b  = 0, 1
     index = 0
     while b < n:
         print ("%d, %d, \n" % (index, b) )
         a, b   = b, a + b
         index += 1

if __name__=="__main__":

Here I compile with Nuitka and execute, in standalone mode:

james at saturn9 ~/crc $ nuitka --execute --standalone math.py
0, 1,

1, 1,

2, 2,

3, 3,

4, 5,

5, 8,

6, 13,

7, 21,

8, 34,

9, 55,

10, 89,

11, 144,

12, 233,

13, 377,

14, 610,

15, 987,

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