[CentralOH] 2014-06-27 道場 Scribbles 落書/惡文?

jep200404 at columbus.rr.com jep200404 at columbus.rr.com
Sat Jun 28 20:05:06 CEST 2014

Look, somebody puked a rainbow into my terminal window…

    " http://vim.wikia.com/wiki/How_to_turn_off_all_colors
    " http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/linux/disable-syntax-highlighting-in-vim/
    syntax off
    set hlsearch
    set t_Co=256
    set t_Co=0
    set background=dark

PyOhio is one month away
Volunteering there is a good way to meet folks and find opportunities.

presentations should be viewable from back row: 

    low resolution:

        24x80 or equivalent

    high contast:

        white on dark: good
        dark on white: good
        colors on white: so so
        colors on dark: bad, very bad

long version https://mail.python.org/pipermail/centraloh/2012-July/001336.html

What's a better way of escaping filenames than the following awkward way?

    from string import digits, ascii_letters

    f = 'hello%-world\/.py'

    def escape_filename(filename):
        safe_characters = ascii_letters + digits + ' -_.'
        s = ''
        for c in filename:
            if c in safe_characters:
                s += c
                assert ord(c) < 0x100, 'ERROR: c aint 8-bit'
                s += '#%02X' % ord(c)
        return s

    print repr(f), repr(escape_filename(f))

Konqueror understands that wp: means Wikipedia.
philips ga-212
    stepper motor?
echo 'print (6**6)**6' | python
wp:Robert A. Heinlein
wp:The Number of the Beast (novel)

http://www.cpu-world.com/CPUs/Pentium_Dual-Core/Intel-Pentium Mobile B960.html
no hardware support for virtualization

bring screws for laptop next time

    Where a good place to get screws for laptops?

Someone turned 65 and is being bombarded with advertising for Medicare stuff.

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