[CentralOH] Another Revision of Singleton

John Santiago jdsantiagojr at gmail.com
Tue Mar 19 00:08:10 CET 2013

I will read the links. Thank You!

I wanted to create a web application management tool for myself. Something
similar to Tomcat using CherryPy.  The main application 'Brigh' is the hub,
so I wanted to make it a singleton. It would have basic methods like app
creation and server methods. it would also be the main web-application.

Every-time I create a new application it will grab .zip /rar file, store
basic data to db and then create a physical location on the server. I will
also be using the host api to create domains then store domains in db ->
cherrypy virtualhost.

I only wanted to make the main application a singleton to make sure there
could not be more than one. Going to dive into the alex.it link now, but
what do you think?

On Mon, Mar 18, 2013 at 7:13 AM, Eric Floehr <eric at intellovations.com>wrote:

> John,
> In most cases where you think you need a Singleton design pattern, what
> you are really looking for is shared state. It doesn't matter how many
> class instances you have, so long as each of those instances share state.
> The problem many people have coming to Python from say C++, Java, C# and
> other class-oriented languages is that in those languages you can't easily
> separate the class instance from its state. In Python, being *object*
> oriented and not *class* oriented, it's easy. Another thing that tripped me
> up, coming from Java, is thinking of a module as just a namespace and not
> as an object as well.
> With that said, there are two alternatives to the Singleton object that
> may work better for you in Python than the implementation you'd
> found/developed. At the very least, understanding them will help you
> understand Python a little more.
> The first is the multi-instance/shared-state pattern, which Alex Martelli
> calls the "Borg Pattern". It's called the Borg pattern for obvious
> reasons... like the Borg, there are many instances but all share the same
> state :-). Alex's "Five Easy Pieces" post is a must read:
> http://www.aleax.it/5ep.html
> The second is that like everything in Python, a module is an object, not
> just a namespace. In fact, a module can be thought of as a singleton... it
> can have global state, has only once instance, and is an object. Here is a
> stackoverflow explanation... there is probably a better description
> somewhere but I can't find it in my bookmarks right now:
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10936709/why-does-a-python-module-act-like-a-singleton
> BUT...
> I would take a step back even further and ask yourself if you really even
> need a singleton. In most cases, you really don't, and you can make your
> program better by eliminating them. Google even wrote a singleton detector
> for its Java code:
> http://code.google.com/p/google-singleton-detector/wiki/WhySingletonsAreControversial
> I can't tell you if your design would be better without a singleton
> without knowing more about the use case. But at least read up on the Borg
> pattern and on modules as singletons and you will at least have a better
> understanding of Python.
> Cheers,
> Eric
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