[CentralOH] Startup Weekend

Kurtis Mullins kurtis.mullins at gmail.com
Wed Jul 17 20:28:38 CEST 2013

I don't know anything about Startup Weekend -- but wanted to throw my 2 cents in from a separate program I'm currently engaged in.

The National Science Foundation hosts a 7-week "workshop" (program) called Innovation Corps (i-corps for short) which, this year, is hosted out of San Francisco and consists of a bunch of very successful entrepeneuers teaching "technical" people the business end of things while helping them to develop a proper business model and finally decide to "go" or "no go" with their startup. This program practically ignores whatever technology you have and completely revolves around your business model: Specifically, talking to enough people to find out whether or not there is an actual need you're trying to fulfill.

I have 0 knowledge of Startup Week but this I-Corps program seems to be pretty insightful and valuable, especially if you're considering a startup venture. If the Startup Week program is anything like this I-Corps program, then I would highly recommend it. Otherwise, I can recommend the two books we use and I'd suggest finding a great "business mentor" to help guide and even setup some connections.

Also, if it's anything like I-Corps, there are actual VC's who are looking at the ideas coming through and if you can pitch your idea well enough then it might find its way to the right person.

So to answer your question: 
If it's anything like the program I am currently engaged in,
1. All you will need is a "wireframe" (or very simple demo), no Python skills needed - Business Model is First
2. There is potential that VCs do keep an idea on events like this.

On Jul 17, 2013, at 2:14 PM, Thomas Winningham <winningham at gmail.com> wrote:

> My experience with Startup Weekend was sort of two parted, one is my cynical paranoid internet crank viewpoint that it is a way for VCs and partners to get free R&D work :P but the other more reasonable viewpoint that is actually grounded in actual articles I've read would be that it is ultimately an event that should be thought of more like a signification, or start, or jumping off, of desire to start a business and all that entails, and to have this event assist in the first great big push for those wanting to start a business and those that want to help to get together and focus solely on the project at the outset. 
> I think however it is more marketed sometimes like a hack-a-thon or competition for attention alone, which perhaps parts of it are, but those things aren't very much of the means to the ends to starting a business, in my opinion, although they help.
> So for me, I thought be exposed to it was very valuable. 
> I did however think that in some ways trying to get team members, some kind of things that happened where you had to "prove" your idea was worthwhile, was something of a hindrance, and perhaps bad for my own personal ways of thinking about entrepreneurship, or at least the kinds of things that are too brand new for anyone to make sense of let alone want to get on board with... but perhaps being too new is a hindrance itself, so, maybe the event did help :P
> But I don't think of it as a hack-a-thon, and not having any Python skills shouldn't dissuade you from attending. However, I highly recommend keeping the PyOhio schedule and sneaking out to those talks that interest you if at all possible :D
> On Wed, Jul 17, 2013 at 12:52 PM, David Chew <david at wwcols.com> wrote:
> Is that a developer only event or do they look for all talent?  I'm an
> accountant/IT Director but very novice at Python. (Also soon to be job
> hunting if anyone needs a tech savvy Controller/CFO)  Would love to sit in
> for the business development angle of the event but don't want my lack of
> python skills to be a barrier.
> Thanks!
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