[CentralOH] Former COhPy alumni news: PyCon Taiwan 2013

Eric Floehr eric at intellovations.com
Sat Jan 26 14:38:41 CET 2013


I thought you'd be interested to hear about our esteemed COhPy alumni
Yung-Yu Chen, who moved back to Taiwan a few years ago.

He's doing great and helped to start and is chairing PyCon Taiwan.

If anyone is interested in travelling to the East, PyCon Taiwan will be a
well-organized, well-attended, well-presented python conference.

Just thought you'd like to know how Yung-Yu is doing and what he's up to.
 If you knew Yung-Yu, make sure to send him a note!


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Yung-Yu Chen <yyc at solvcon.net>
Date: Fri, Jan 25, 2013 at 7:54 AM
Subject: [Conferences] Announcement of PyCon Taiwan 2013: 25th & 26th May,
Academia Sinica, Taipei, and Proposal Solicitation
To: "conferences at python.org" <conferences at python.org>

PyCon Taiwan 2013 will be held on 25th & 26th May in Academia Sinica,
Taipei.  This is the second year of the nation-wide Python event in Taiwan.
 The conference site is at http://tw.pycon.org/en/2013/ .  The venue allows
at most 650 attendees and we welcome everyone in the world to join us.
 David Beazley will come to give a keynote.

This year, our theme is set to "from future import everything".

We are soliciting proposals:
http://tw.pycon.org/en/2013/blog/2012/11/21/call-for-proposals-en/ , and
the deadline is 1st March, Taiwan time.  Both English and Mandarin Chinese
talks are welcomed.  Topics of proposals include but are not limited to:

- Web Programming (e.g., Django, Pyramid, Web2Py, TurboGears)
- Cloud Computing
- Scientific Computing
- Startups, Business, and Education
- Multimedia, Animation, and Graphics
- Game Programming
- GUI Programming
- Hardware/Embedded System Design
- System Administration and Security
- Network Programming
- Agile Development and Project Best Practices
- Packaging Issues
- Programming Tools
- Python Libraries and Extensions
- Python Implementations: IronPython, Jython, PyPy and Stackless.

Related links:

- Web site: http://tw.pycon.org/en/2013/
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/PyConTW
- Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/pycontw

Yung-Yu Chen
Chairperson of PyCon Taiwan 2013
+886 (99) 129 4763

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