[CentralOH] Borrow a laptop, or you?

Ann Elliott elliott.222 at osu.edu
Thu Jan 17 19:37:41 CET 2013

I have a laptop that could be borrowable, but I'd need to make sure I've got a reasonable guest account set up, and the battery's bad enough that it won't survive without wall power.

I could certainly give a short talk on Saturday. I think it would be fun to talk about pyephem and show a few scripts I've made with it that tell me stuff about what the heavenly bodies are up to.


On Jan 17, 2013, at 12:23 AM, Catherine Devlin <catherine.devlin at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi, COhPy!  
> One of the students for this weekend's workshop is asking if she can borrow a laptop.  As it happens, I'm fresh out of extras.  Can any of you loan one for the weekend?
> Also... will you be near downtown around noon on Saturday?  Would you like to stop by the Workshop (at The Forge, in the Smith Bros Hardware building) and give something like a lightning talk?  The workshop itself focuses on basics, so it's nice to give the students a glimpse of some of the really exciting stuff that lies ahead of them... something that will get them excited to keep going with Python.  I'm planning to show Sikuli and Visual Python, for example.  Then have a sandwich and tell them you're eager to see them at COhPy.  Lunch (and its associated talks) is at noon.  Any takers?
> Thanks!
> -- 
> - Catherine
> http://catherinedevlin.blogspot.com
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