[CentralOH] Fwd: [pgh-python] Re: Talks at Google: February 27 at 7pm

Eric Floehr eric at intellovations.com
Wed Feb 27 12:55:15 CET 2013

This was posted by Nick Sloan on the Pittsburgh Python list, but has a lot
of good stuff so I thought I'd post it here...

---------- Forwarded message ----------

Joe has pulled together a list of interesting blog posts and news, and
he'll be leading a discussion about these at this month's meeting.

Take a moment to read through what interests you, and we'll have a gab
about some of these at the meeting. See you there!

*Python News*

   - Python wiki host was
   - Python get a big data boost from
   - Python trademark at risk in Europe: We need your
   and an update<http://pyfound.blogspot.ca/2013/02/an-update-on-our-trademark-issue.html>

*New Packages*

   - pudb <https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pudb> - A full-screen,
   console-based Python debugger
   - importd <https://github.com/amitu/importd/> - django-based, flask-like
   mini framework inspired from sinatra to lower an initial project'd
   - django-simplestatic <https://github.com/ericflo/django-simplestatic> - A
   highly opinionated drop-in library for static file management in Django
   - topaz <https://github.com/topazproject/topaz> - A high performance
   ruby, written in RPython (to give Ruby some love)


   - Start Writing More Classes<http://lucumr.pocoo.org/2013/2/13/moar-classes/>
   - Introduction into NumPy <http://www.python-course.eu/numpy.php>
   - Python command line
   - How to build a news app that never goes down and costs you practically
   nothing <http://blog.apps.npr.org/2013/02/14/app-template-redux.html>
   - Disambiguating BSON and
   - Face Tracking with OpenCV and a USB Missile
   - Drastically Improve Your Python: Understanding Python's Execution

*Contributing / jobs*

   - Python Jobs <http://www.pythonjobshq.com/>
   - Committers Needed For Tastypie &
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