[CentralOH] I've entered PyWeek...

Eric Floehr eric at intellovations.com
Sun Sep 11 16:43:19 CEST 2011

Oh my, what have I done? :-)

I've entered PyWeek apparently.  That's the contest that happens twice
per year where you make a game in Python in one week's time centered
around a theme that is voted on an announced at the start of the
contest.  This contest's theme is "Mutate!".

Entries are judged at the end by fellow entrants on four criteria:
fun, innovation, production (sound, graphics, polish), and overall.
All the rules are here: http://pyweek.org/s/rules/

It's a pretty busy week for me, but it seems the timing is right to
try my hand making my first real game, and enter my first programming
contest, and all in Python!

I hope I don't embarrass myself too much :-), but you can follow my
progress this week at: http://pyweek.org/e/gottatry/

Wish me luck!

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