[CentralOH] Templates

Issac Kelly issac.kelly at gmail.com
Mon Oct 25 16:12:27 CEST 2010

Here! This is the type of thing I was looking for:

It seems several steps further along than I expected actually,


Dissappointing that the python hardware guys don't also use python on the
web, but whatever :)

On Mon, Oct 25, 2010 at 10:02 AM, Issac Kelly <issac.kelly at gmail.com> wrote:

> I guess, what I want to know, is what problem with manually making your
> VHDL are you trying to solve by templating it?
> There are other methods of creating source code in python, and those might
> be better suited, as most templating languages are made for markup languages
> like PDF, or LaTex or, as you noted, HTML.
> There are options like this:
> http://effbot.org/zone/python-code-generator.htm  Where you could still be
> very explicit, but use things like string comprehension, and other powerful
> python functions to create.
> Also while looking for something else, I stumbled on Cheetah, which claims
> to be a code generating templating language.
> I for one can't wait for python on a chip to get a bit more mature.
> On Mon, Oct 25, 2010 at 2:20 AM, James - Atlantix <james at atlantixeng.com>wrote:
>> I have been using Mako very successfully lately for autogeneration of VHDL
>> code  . . . sort of like generating C++ code with Python directives, if you
>> will. ( don’t know how many people are familiar with VHDL.) I get a little
>> frustrated looking at all the Python template engines . . .and all the
>> examples are for HTML. Cheetah often talks about how it can be used to
>> generate things other than HTML, but doesn’t really have any examples. I
>> found Jinja2 a little too complicated for my purposes, and Evoque promises
>> to be better than Mako but what I found was the Mako documentation as very
>> thorough and useful . . . . and of course there is the homespun Tempita
>> template language. But what I have found is that among the big three
>> (Jinja2, Mako, Genshi) I prefer Mako . . . Of course, this may deserve a
>> “survey” if Eric wants to facilitate one . . . Thanks, James
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