[CentralOH] Group Library

davelist at mac.com davelist at mac.com
Wed Oct 13 23:05:58 CEST 2010

On Oct 13, 2010, at 9:29 AM, Eric Floehr wrote:

> Hey everyone,
> The library our group has of O'Reilly books has been a very popular resource.  I think everyone who has used it has benefited.
> I regularly get asked questions like "What books do you recommend to [learn/grow/do X] in Python?"  I would love to be able to respond better to those questions based on your real world experience with the books.
> Soooo... if you have checked out a book from the library, please consider posting a message to the list with your impressions, or even a full review.  Anything that would help guide people in their book selection.
> And if you think it is particularly crafty, also consider posting the review on the O'Reilly web site.  This will help keep the books coming!
> We have a new non-Python-specific book for our library this month: "Beautiful Visualization".  It looks awesome!
> Thanks so much!
> Eric

I haven't checked them out from the group, but here are my favorite Python books for programmers with knowledge of other languages:

Learning Python - great for getting started with doing things the Python way
Python Cookbook - read after Learning Python for more of the Python way of doing things
Python in a Nutshell - great reference
Python Essential Reference - great reference

We use Zelle's Python Programming : An Introduction to Computer Science to teach our introductory programming course (intended for those without programming experience) at Capital University.

Dave Reed

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