[CentralOH] Soliciting talks

Mark Erbaugh mark at microenh.com
Wed Oct 6 14:51:31 CEST 2010

On Oct 4, 2010, at 9:20 AM, Eric Floehr wrote:

> All,
> I am soliciting talks for COhPy ... if you have found something interesting about Python and want to talk about it, let me know!  Also, I have found talking about a topic is a great way to learn about the topic to a level you might not otherwise.
> Also, it's great practice for learning how to speak to a group and communicate your idea clearly, which are great professional skills to have!
> Next month's meeting will be at TechColumbus, but I'm also looking for venues for 2011 to host COhPy.  If you know of any business, restaurant, other location that can host 20-25 people in a quiet room with power and a wall to project on to (and even better a projector), please let me know!
> Best Regards,
> Eric

I'm spending more of my Python development time with Eclipse and PyDev (at the expense of Idle). The Eclipse / PyDev combination works well, and I'm not yet using all the features. If there's interest, I could put on a demo / talk.  Or perhaps we could have several people demonstrate their favorite IDE.  I'd like to see a demo of Wing.


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