[CentralOH] COhPy Meeting Monday

Eric Floehr eric at intellovations.com
Mon Jul 26 03:53:38 CEST 2010


For anyone attending the COhPy meeting, bring your laptops!  There
will be plenty of time to try out Genetic Algorithms and Genetic
Programs for yourself.

Just make sure you have installed Pyevolve 0.6rc1 prior to the
meeting.  You can get it here:

Though not required, you can get some neat graphs if you have installed:

1. Matplotlib (http://matplotlib.sourceforge.net/)
2. Pydot (http://code.google.com/p/pydot/)
3. VPython (http://vpython.org/)

If you are running linux this packages are likely to be in the
repository.  On Ubuntu, they are python-matplotlib, python-pydot, and
python-visual, respectively.

Also, feel free to bring a simple problem to solve.  Something with
simple inputs and outputs where the function relating the inputs and
outputs is unknown or non-linear will work great.  My example will be
taking today's high temperature and tomorrow's average high and using
them to evolve a function that predicts tomorrow's high temperature
better than either alone.  I have temperature data for Columbus for
the last 5 years that will be used to evaluate.

See you Monday!

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