[CentralOH] Fwd: Re: Stackless Python

Bryan Harris bryan.harris at udri.udayton.edu
Wed Oct 28 22:03:30 CET 2009


>Maybe if you let the group know the problem you need to solve, someone can
>provide some better direction.

I have written a long script which takes a whole directory of stress-strain 
test data, massages it, and spits out a new data file along with a bunch of 
images of the results.  I wrote a multi-threaded version a while back, but it 
actually ran much slower than the single thread version and I noticed it never 
used more than one processor at a time.  

Maybe I did something wrong.  It performed slower on a single or a 
multiprocessor machine.  I noticed the same behavior on my development 
machine, Ubuntu linux and on a windows machine in the lab.  In theory, it 
ought to be able to do file i/o on one file while the other crunches on 
calculations, thus saving time.  It didn't work that way though.

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