[CentralOH] Sprints - cohpy.org Web Site

Yung-Yu Chen yungyuc at gmail.com
Thu Oct 8 04:29:23 CEST 2009


On Wed, Oct 7, 2009 at 21:51, Eric Floehr <eric at intellovations.com> wrote:

> All,
> Matt speaks wise words, unguided enthusiasm usually results in broken
> hearts :-)...
> Here is what I suggest.  We know this to be true: we have a cohpy.org
> domain that can be used for the benefit of COhPy.
> Here are the questions I would ask first: What are some features that
> we think would be helpful to the group?  A couple of areas would be:
> 1. Improve communication among members
> 2. Help members help each other
> 3. Coordinate projects easier
> 4. A "portal" or hub to other things
> 5. A reference for information
> There are certainly many third-party sites that might do much of what
> we want, so we'll have to decide what we want our site to be.
What I imagined about the content for the cohpy.org would be mostly static.
The name "cohpy.org" sounds like a portal to me, and I guess there won't be
frequent changes in cohpy.org.  Maybe several updates every months or so.
If it is the case, maybe a static site would fit our need, at least
initially.  No framework, least learning curve, and easy to be maintained.

After playing with various dynamic web techniques for several years, I
recently settled (or degraded? :p) my homepage with static htmls.  To
develop/maintain a hand-crafted blog system written in Django is fun, but is
also a burden when there's not enough time to have fun.

Static htmls can be generated from templates automatically.  The sources
don't need to be html.  rst could be a good alternative.  Further aided by
DSCM with a good plug-in system, such as hg, the site can be managed very
well.  A static site would be a low-cost solution, both in time and money.

with regards,
Yung-Yu Chen

> Then I would suggest we tackle just one of those features first.  Then
> another.  Learning, growing, and having fun along the way.  We'll have
> short iterations so we can see the site live and working quickly.
> Once we have a site that is useful to US, then we can can think
> grander, but we'll start small.
> Best Regards,
> Eric
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