[CentralOH] Sprints - cohpy.org Web Site

Matthew Wilson matt at tplus1.com
Sun Oct 4 16:40:36 CEST 2009

I'm just a lurker on this list.  I live in Cleveland.  I wanted to
share some history about our group and then plug a different idea.

About two years ago some clepy (cleveland python users group) started
work on a big project.  It was an open-source implementation of
meetup.com.  We even had a cool name picked out -- shindig.  The story
ends sadly.  Nobody agreed on the framework, the SCM, the site design,
etc.  Eventually we stopped talking about it.

Here's my humble suggestion for you guys: instead of or in addition to
starting a really grand project, what about doing some really mundane
stuff?  Maybe just start a package that collects clever little utility
functions written by members.

I started the clepy package on google code
(http://code.google.com/p/clepy/)  to collect all the weird little
utility functions we all write.  It has stuff like a powerset
generator, a bunch of funky iterators, some string manipulation stuff,
a @deprecated decorator that doesn't destroy the function signature,
and lots of other things.

 Or maybe adopt a module from the standard library and then improve
it.  The datetime module has a huge list of open tickets.

Just an idea.


On Sat, Oct 3, 2009 at 7:38 PM, Michael S. Yanovich
<yanovich.1 at buckeyemail.osu.edu> wrote:
> I would be interested in helping with the website through these sprints. I
> can see this as a fun and effective way to get the group active. I'm am not
> familiar with Django but considering we are a Python group I think Django
> would make the most sense.
> --
> Michael S. Yanovich
> yanovich.1 at osu.edu
> On 10/03/2009 05:40 PM, Scott Scites wrote:
> I communicated with Eric Floehr this week about having sprints to develop
> the cohpy.org web site.
> The idea I floated would be to open source the code on a distributed source
> code manager like bitbucket (if it comes back up) or github ( thanks for the
> speed Rackspace).  This way we can all contribute through participation in
> sprints and well as through patches/enhancement submissions and such.
> A few of the many things to decide are: What framework?  What pages and
> functionality to develop?  etc.  Eric will set aside time in the October
> meeting for further discussion.
> In the interim, is any one interested in participating in upcoming Sprints?
> Which framework would the group like to use?  Any strong preferences for
> distributed source code repository?
> Hopefully this will be one of many open source contributions our group can
> create.
> Scott Scites
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W. Matthew Wilson
matt at tplus1.com

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