[CentralOH] Ohio LinuxFest

Catherine Devlin catherine.devlin at gmail.com
Wed Apr 25 23:06:01 CEST 2007

Well, the call for speakers for Ohio LinuxFest 2007 (Sep. 29) is up (
www.ohiolinux.org/speakers.html)... what are we going to do about it?

I'm thinking that I could give my Intro-to-Python-with-crashing-planets talk
there, in hopes of grabbing some people who've never quite taken the plunge
to learn their Python.  But I think it would be great if we had some other
stuff there, too.  Some less-introductory talks?  Talks on hot topics, like
web app platforms?

A Birds-of-a-Feather workshop, at the very least - maybe a couple.

A sprint of our own on the day after?

One thing that would be really topical and that I'd really like to
understand better - either to mention in my own talk, or (better) to see as
a full talk by somebody who does understand it - is hacking Linux with
Python.  For instance, I know that Ubuntu and the OLPC project both rely
heavily on Python, but I've really never seen how.  Do we have anybody among
us who gets it?  Hmm... if we don't, I slightly know Jorge Castro, and maybe
he could be talked into presenting on it.

What else?  Brainstorm!

- Catherine
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