[Catalog-sig] [Draft] Package signing and verification process

Giovanni Bajo rasky at develer.com
Thu Feb 7 17:11:23 CET 2013

Il giorno 07/feb/2013, alle ore 16:38, "M.-A. Lemburg" <mal at egenix.com> ha scritto:

> On 07.02.2013 16:04, Giovanni Bajo wrote:
>> Il giorno 07/feb/2013, alle ore 15:35, "M.-A. Lemburg" <mal at egenix.com> ha scritto:
>>> On 07.02.2013 15:13, Giovanni Bajo wrote:
>>>> Il giorno 07/feb/2013, alle ore 12:55, "M.-A. Lemburg" <mal at egenix.com> ha scritto:
>>>>>> Can you please describe an attack that can be mounted against PyPI/pip that is prevented by having this additional signature?
>>>>> This is not about preventing some kind of attack. It's to simplify
>>>>> the setup for the user of PyPI (via the package manager).
>>>>> The user will no longer have to install several tens or even
>>>>> hundreds of different uploader GPG keys locally just to be able
>>>>> to verify the downloads. Instead, just the PyPI key is needed.
>>>>> I think that's important to not disrupt the PyPI user experience.
>>>>> Additionally, as already mentioned by Lennart, all the GPG interaction
>>>>> could be handled by the package managers.
>>>> Yes, but *all* of the above requirements can be obtained by simply having PyPI tell pip "key ABCD1234 is authoritative for package django". pip can then tell GPG to go getting the key automatically from a first-party or third-party keyserver (eg: launchpad).
>>>> I'm absolutely *not* suggesting the user to go downloading tons of GPG keys manually. 
>>> I don't think anyone would want to have pip installing hundreds
>>> of PyPI uploader GPG keys locally, even less so, if just one is
>>> enough :-)
>> OK so we need to both make happy Jesse that doesn't even want pip to run GPG under the hood without him even realizing that gpg exists and is being used as a crypto primitive, and you that want to keep a clean keychain that might become too cluttered by too many keys :)
>> I'm sure Jesse doesn't care if the GPG keychain (which he doesn't even want to have) becomes too cluttered, because he doesn't even want to learn how to dump the keychain contents, or to install a GUI tool to inspect it. I think this will be the case for the large majority of users that simpy run "apt-get install gpg" once and then forget about it and go on with their normal pip work (with a fully transparent level of additional security).
>>> I, for one, certainly wouldn't want to have my keyring cluttered up
>>> with all those GPG keys, or managing the trust state of all those
>>> keys to prevent GPG warnings such as:
>>> gpg: WARNING: This key is not certified with a trusted signature!
>>> gpg:          There is no indication that the signature belongs to the owner.
>> You wouldn't need to manage the trust of any key. The trust is on PyPI. Once PyPI tells you that "key ABCD1234 is trusted for package django", you just check whether there is a valid signature from ABCD1234 for all downloads related to package Django. That is irrespective on your default trust level for key ABCD1234.
>> In other words, I don't think it's correct to use the trust level in the keychain; if ABCD1234 is Denis Bilenko's keys, I don't want to say "this is trusted, so please install *any* packaged signed by ABCD1234"; I want to say "this is trusted FOR GEVENT, so please install gevent only if signed by Denis". This cannot be expressed by the GPG keychain trust levels. My idea is that PyPI will supply this list of trusts to users by default eg: as a text configuration file, downloadable over HTTPS, that can be automatically updated by pip every once in a while:
>> gevent = abcd1234
>> django = 45678ad,bd14578,ce1244ab
>> [...]
>> Very advanced users might want to hand-edit it in some way (eg: trimming the list of packages, so that some packages cannot be installed on that system, so to block possible attack vectors), and even block automatic updates of such list from PyPI (so not to trust PyPI for it).
>> (PS: I'm using short fingerprints in all my examples, but I'm aware of the security implications, and I think we should use the full key ID everywhere).
> I'm not sure I follow you. The GPG output is generated when running
> the verify command on a signature where you do have the key in the
> keyring, but have not set the trust setting of that key in the
> ring.

... by default. You can pass "--trusted-key LONGID" to gpg, so that it will trust the specified key, for that execution. That is would pip would do.

> The trust flag in GPG is normally used to indicate that you have
> checked that the key does indeed belong to the person it is
> assigned to. Such checks can be done at code signing parties, over
> the telephone, etc.
> You'd normally not set the trust flag without having gone through
> such a procedure, so the above warning won't go away.

I agree, and I don't propose modifications that require to manage the trust flag of keys downloaded for the sake of installing packages via pip.

> If you only have to manage one key, the PyPI key, you can verify
> the key by looking on the PyPI site and comparing fingerprints.
> It will most likely also get signatures from core developers,
> so that information can also be used to check the key.
> As a result, trusting this one key is well possible and easily
> manageable. You could even ship pip with a keyring that already
> has that key setup with the trust flag and use this keyring
> for verification, leaving the user's own keyring completely
> untouched.

I understand what you are proposing. My objection is that you need non-trivial modifications to PyPI, including the correct management of a *crucial* private key, that needs to be available on a server without a passphares for online signing of uploaded packages. It thus requires special care at all levels (programming, infrastructure), and a well defined process (agreed with package managers) in case the key gets compromised.

In my view, the benefits outweigh the complexity of handling such a master key.

>>> Having PyPI sign the file would also provide a possibility to keep files,
>>> for which the uploader key was later revoked or which expired,
>>> in a verifiable state.
>> When a key is revoked, all signatures made by that key *even it the past* should be ignored and should be treated as providing no information. A revocation is an explicit process in which the key owner declares that the key has been compromised, at which point you cannot trust *anything* that was signed by that key at *any* time. So if a key is revoked, we should simply delete all signature files made by that key from all of PyPI mirrors. 
> That's a bit drastic, IMO. Yes, you can use that approach, but you don't
> have to. After all, PyPI would only sign the uploaded files, in case
> uploader's key verifies, which implies that it is not revoked at the
> time of signing the file.

The fact that a key is not revoked at the time of signing should be treated as "zero information" if the key is later revoked. GPG does not allow to specify a specific date for the compromise in case of revocation (that is, you cannot declare "I'm revoking key ABCD1234 and I'm sure that it was compromised on December 15th, 2012, 04:34 CET"); moreover, the timestamp in the signature can easily be faked (that is, if I compromise your private key, I can happily craft a signature with an embedded timestamp referring to a moment in the past).

Thus, the only assumption you can make is that it was compromised at some unknown time in the past, and you cannot even trust a signature to be generated in the moment it says it was. The final outcome is that any signature, with any timestamp, made by a revoked key brings zero information.

Notice that I'm not pushing any interpretation here, this is exactly what GPG does when it finds out that a key has been revoked. I'm just proposing to remove the signatures in PyPI because they would be useless anyway, GPG will reject them, and package installation will fail (unless the user forces it, at which point he can force it even if we deleted the signature).

> If an uploader finds the key compromised, s/he can remove the affected
> uploaded files from PyPI together with the key, but still leave the
> older release files around.

I'm not sure why we should trust old packages not to be compromised, if the key is revoked.

>> On the other hand, the case of expired keys is already handled by GPG, since a signature embeds a timestamp so you can check whether the key was valid at the time of the signature (irrespective of whether the key is expired or not at the time of the check).
>> Anyway, I'm open to having PyPI sign packages; it's not wrong per-se. I just don't think it's required from a security perspective, and I think it will involve more work.
> It's not required from a security perspective, but I think it is
> needed from a usability perspective.

As I said, my vision is that the usability would be exactly the same in both cases (central PyPI signature or not). So I think that we should focus on what it is better from a security perspective and from an implementation/maintenance standpoint.
Giovanni Bajo   ::  rasky at develer.com
Develer S.r.l.  ::  http://www.develer.com

My Blog: http://giovanni.bajo.it

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