[Catalog-sig] What is the point of pythonpackages.com?

Andreas Jung lists at zopyx.com
Tue Feb 7 06:28:38 CET 2012

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Terry Reedy wrote:
> On 2/6/2012 3:17 PM, Andreas Jung wrote:
>> My point about this: if a person does not want to host its package
>> on PyPi than it should stay away from PyPI.
> The Python Package Index was originally just that: a package
> *INDEX*, aiming to be a complete index. It did not originate the idea
> of such an index, but has pretty much superseded previous
> 'unofficial' efforts.
> Now you want to censor it to meet *your* needs, to only list
> packages that *you* are interested in.
> If I remember correctly, the Cheeseshop/PyPI was originally *just*
> an index. The hosting-repository service was added later -- as a 
> convenience firstly to authors. I now believe that the repository
> should have been and should be kept separate, as the Python Package
> Repository -- PyPaR. Then repository issues would be clearly separate
> from index issues.

I don't care how something was originally used. I care about how things
are actually used and especially how things are used in a professional
environment. I am not in the business of tinkering and enterprises I
worded for or projects I was involved in require a *professsional*
and *reliable* Python packaging system. *I* as Python developer
know the issues and can deal with the current state. *Lots* of
internal developers that are using Python just a tool among others
often complain about the situtation and can not deal or won't
the complex aspects like setup a local package package or repository.
They expect things to just work.

Honestly I am truly pissed of the by arrogance and ignorance of package
maintainers coming with the very same arguments every time for *not
hosting* at least copies on PyPI. So my clear message is: if you don't
care about the professional developers and theirs by not hosting
packages on PyPI then please stay away...

- -aj


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