[Catalog-sig] Proposal: Additional PyPI Mirror DNS aliases

"Martin v. Löwis" martin at v.loewis.de
Fri Feb 3 22:56:51 CET 2012

> random.pypi.python.org - This would just be a round robin to all of the
> mirrors, the goal being to (theoretically) evenly distributing the
> incoming requests among them.

It's less useful as it sounds. Clients are supposed to check whether the
mirror they use is out of date. If they get a random mirror, they may
end up with an unusable one.

> fresh.pypi.python.org - This would point towards the mirror that last
> synchronized with PyPI. The goal being that people can use this to have
> a higher chance of having all of the packages synced with PyPI (since
> the other mirrors have had a longer time since sync, they will have a
> larger window for having missed packages/versions).

That's not implementable using our current DNS hosting service (I'm
not sure that round-robin is implementable even).


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