[Catalog-sig] [zc.buildout] Dealing with building (large) libraries

Andreas Jung lists at zopyx.com
Sun Jan 25 14:19:38 CET 2009

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Hi there,

it had become a common pattern with buildout compiling almost all and
everything within one buildout. E.g. the Deliverance integration using
plone.recipe.deliverance downloads and compiles libxml2/libxslt which
takes a lot of time. In addition we have seen unmotivated
uninstall/install orgies of parts (possibly the related recipes are to
blame) causing a lot of turnaround time for developers (and frustration
about using buildout).

Anyone having similar experiences and/or hints how deal with such larger
buildouts? We are having a company internal sprint next week where we
are thinking about a 2-stage buildout for some of our projects where the
fat parts will be moved to a dedicated buildout configuration and
installed/maintained as as global resources. This will at least reduce
the number of pointless uninstall/install cycles.


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