[Catalog-sig] New fields in the Metadata for PyPI

Tarek Ziadé ziade.tarek at gmail.com
Wed Dec 2 15:49:01 CET 2009


As suggested here, then discussed at Distutils-SIG,  I would like to
propose the addition of two more fields for the
upcoming Metadata 1.2 (PEP 345) that could be used at PyPI on projects pages.

    A string containing the URL for the package's browsable
repository. It can be any url of the repository
    (trunk, branch, tags) as long as it can be browsed from a web browser.


  A string containing the URL for the package's bug tracker.


Other fields were proposed, but were controversial. You can follow the
latest discussions at distutils-sig about them,

If these fields are added, PyPI could display those links and offer a
standard way for end users to interact with the projects
maintainers, besides the "comment/rating" feature.


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