[Catalog-sig] High-availability for PyPI, mirroring infrastructures?

Jim Fulton jim at zope.com
Mon Aug 11 21:50:16 CEST 2008

On Aug 11, 2008, at 2:56 AM, Andreas Jung wrote:

> Hi there,
> Python eggs and zc.buildout are playing a major role in Zope world -  
> both for development and deployment. PyPI right now is apparently a  
> single-point-of-failure. Although the availability of PyPI become  
> much better over time, the complete infrastructure is not highly  
> available which is crucial when you are doing commercial development.
> What is the perspective for addressing this issue? I have seen that  
> Ingeniweb maintains/maintained a PyPI mirror (does not seem to be  
> up2date).

There's also one at http://download.zope.org/simple/

> What is the current recommended way for building a (private) mirror?

There's a project at http://svn.zope.org/ 
zc.mirrorcheeseshopslashsimple/ for mirroring the pypi index data.

In terms of reducing risk, I think that zc.sourcerelease is also  
relevant, because it lets you make a self-contained snapshot of an  
application's source, with all of the eggs used.  If you need to  
deploy an application, you can use a source release, or a binary  
release built from it, without any need to talk to a package index.


Jim Fulton
Zope Corporation

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