[Catalog-sig] Untested patch for PyPI exceptions

A.M. Kuchling amk at amk.ca
Thu May 3 21:22:37 CEST 2007

On Thu, May 03, 2007 at 02:53:14PM -0400, Jean-Paul Calderone wrote:
> The indentation looks wrong, at least.

Oops, thanks!  Attempt #2...


Index: flamenco.py
--- flamenco.py	(revision 452)
+++ flamenco.py	(working copy)
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 import sys, pprint, cgi, urllib, os, time, cStringIO
+import psycopg
 def flatten(d):
     l = d[1]
@@ -114,15 +115,18 @@
             # overlapping update, just release the lock
-        self.cursor.execute("delete from browse_tally")
-        # Using PostgreSQL COPY here, instead of a series of INSERT statements
-        s = cStringIO.StringIO()
-        for _, _, items in self.list_choices()[1]:
-            for path, packages in items:
-                s.write('%d\t%d\n' % (self.trove.getid(path), len(packages)))
-        s.seek(0)
-        self.cursor.copy_from(s, 'browse_tally')
-        self.cursor.execute("update timestamps set value=now() where name='browse_tally'")
+        try:
+            self.cursor.execute("delete from browse_tally")
+            # Using PostgreSQL COPY here, instead of a series of INSERT statements
+            s = cStringIO.StringIO()
+            for _, _, items in self.list_choices()[1]:
+                for path, packages in items:
+                    s.write('%d\t%d\n' % (self.trove.getid(path), len(packages)))
+            s.seek(0)
+            self.cursor.copy_from(s, 'browse_tally')
+            self.cursor.execute("update timestamps set value=now() where name='browse_tally'")
+        except psycopg.ProgrammingError:
+            pass
     def get_matches(self, addl_fields=[]):

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