[Catalog-sig] Prototype setuptools-specific PyPI index.

"Martin v. Löwis" martin at v.loewis.de
Sun Jul 22 19:03:49 CEST 2007

Jim Fulton schrieb:
> On Jul 22, 2007, at 12:24 PM, Martin v. Löwis wrote:
>>>> If people do misspell a package name when invoking easy_install,
>>>> they get the feature that you consider of no value.
>>> That is not correct. Not all packages are in PyPI.  Using a package that
>>> isn't in PyPI will trigger a fetch of that page.
>> I don't understand. What page is fetched if the package is not in PyPI?
> We have lots of packages that aren't in PyPI.  Some of them aren't ready
> for PyPI or are not of general interest. Some are proprietary.

Ah, ok. So I stand to my original statement (the one you classified
as incorrect): *If* I do misspell a package name, *then* setuptools
will correct the spelling if the index page is available.

>> Would people prefer if the index
>> was always correct (and perhaps somewhat slow), or would they prefer
>> instead that it is super-efficient (and somewhat out-of-date)?
> Where somewhat out of date could be a matter of seconds.

And where somewhat slower could be "practically not noticable".

> BTW, I'm pretty sure that geographic mirrors are desirable, both for
> performance and redundancy reasons.  I think that, for these, polling
> once a minute is plenty and puts negligible load on PyPI, assuming that
> there aren't hundreds of them.

Sure: I don't mind at all if more people run your software on their
machines. If people want it more official, we can have
"cheeseshop0.python.org", "cheeseshop1.python.org", and so on,
or "de.cheeseshop.python.org", "jp.cheeseshop.python.org", and so

As I said before: if people also want to mirror the files, I'd
ask them provide download statistics. Given the changelog, it
would be easy to keep a file mirror up-to-date (of course,
if a mirror downloads all files, these downloads also count
towards the download statistics - which might confuse people).


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