[Catalog-sig] Questions about Qt and wxWindows python packages

Kenneth McDonald kenneth.m.mcdonald at gmail.com
Tue May 31 03:08:51 CEST 2005

If this is not an appropriate newsgroup for this type of posting,
please let me know and (if possible) suggest an alternative. The
reading I've done of some of the back articles suggests that
python-relevant questions specific to any python package (whether
distrubuted via something like distutils or not) are acceptable here,
sorry if this is incorrect.

I'd like to start using Python for some GUI programming again. I'd
like to use Tk, but it seems to be dying a slow death, so it's
probably time to look at wxPython and PythonQt.

I'd appreciate an comments on the relevant merits of these two
libraries, both with respect to Python and more generally. I know
about the differences in licensing, that's not an issue. My most
specific concerns are ease of use (which includes how much in the way
of documentation or examples for using through Python are available,
and how easy the Python libs are to use in each case); availability of
a generally capable styled text widget, as one of the things I need to
build is an editor, which needs to be able to handle different fonts,
styles, tabs, and so forth; and ease of installation on a Macintosh,
since that is my preferred dev platform, and installing things made
for other UNIX variants can be a little wonky at times.

Many thanks for any feedback you can give.


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