[Catalog-sig] names vs. releases

Richard Jones richardjones at optushome.com.au
Wed Aug 27 15:28:03 EDT 2003

On Wed, 27 Aug 2003 01:30 pm, Jeremy Hylton wrote:
> On Tue, 2003-08-26 at 19:36, Richard Jones wrote:
> > This is what the "hide" flag on the releases is for (see the "tip of the
> > week" on the front page that's been active for the last couple of months
> > :)
> It's never been obvious to me why I would want to login.  What advantage
> does it have for the user?

The reasons you'd log in are to:

. manually add new packages / releases
. edit existing releases
. remove releases
. remove packages
. hide or unhide releases
. perform role changes

The same interface (ie. HTTP Basic auth etc) is used by the distutils register 
command, BTW.

> The tip of the week (I usually ignore tips :-) talks about packages "you 
> submitted."  Does it apply to all packages or just the ones I own?

Generally, you're the owner of the packages that you submit the initial 
information for. Otherwise you might be a maintainer. Either way, you're 
still submitting information.

> > I *think* you're advocating not to show any version information at the
> > front page, and to suck up the information from the "most recent
> > release"? PyPI uses distutils' version number sorting code, but do you
> > want to see the package with the highest version number, or the one that
> > was updated most recently? Modifying the interface to do this would be a
> > bit of work, and assuming we have a consensus on "most recent release"
> > then I'd be happy to accept a patch (project members welcome :)
> Yes.  I'm thinking that the ZODB3 package should be listed with the
> update time and description from the most recent package.  Since it's
> just a summary page, it doesn't matter much to me if it's the most
> recent update or perhaps the most recent non-alpha/beta release.

OK. Does anyone disagree with this?

> Thinking out loud: Then the link from "ZODB3" wouldn't go to a specific
> release page like it does now.  It would go to a page that listed all of
> the releases.  Or it could list the most recent release with links to
> earlier releases on that page.

I don't believe users should have to select a version (ie. select package, 
then select version) to get information about a package. The first page they 
see relating to a package could list the most recently updated release 
information, with links to other versions from that page.

Note: I don't have time to work on this at the moment!

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