[Catalog-sig] RFC: PEP 243: Module Repository Upload Mechanism

Amos Latteier amos@digicool.com
Tue, 20 Mar 2001 17:03:40 -0800

Sean Reifschneider wrote:
> Well, I *DID* demo my prototype catalog server at Python 9... 

I wish I had been able to be there :-(

> I also see the upload facility is really orthogonal to the issues of the
> actual catalog.  You don't need a catalog server to implement the upload,
> and therefore I don't see any real reason for delaying this for the catalog
> server. 

True. But see below for some caveats.

> >Was the name of the catalog server decided at the conference? Did we
> >decide who's in charge of it, etc?
> The name "modules.python.org" was suggested by AMK, I believe.  At the
> current time, it probably makes sense to set it up on one of my boxes, and
> I'll take responsibility for it...

> Yeah, and I actually have the code written to do this for .tar.* files.  I
> wasn't sure I wanted to require that the upload server implement that
> though 

This is an example of how the implemention of the catalog server may
have a bearing on how we want the distutils integration to work. I can
think of some other details that might make a difference, for example,
does the catalog sever prefer FTP or HTTP communication?

> >Why not just use the platform meta-data? I see no need for two different
> >and incompatible ways to specify platform information.
> Sorry, what platform meta-data are you speaking of?

Um, the one in PKG_INFO (PEP 241). Maybe you have something else in
> I thought that's what you were doing.  At the moment I have a working
> prototype of a catalog server using the working name "swalow", which is
> available from the ftp.tummy.com FTP site. 

Cool, I'll check it out. Right now I'm working on a catalog server in
Zope. I have lots of different ideas, so I'd love to see what you've
done. I'll try to make my prototype available in a couple days.


Amos Latteier         mailto:amos@digicool.com
Digital Creations     http://www.digicool.com