[capi-sig] A new Python module!

Philip Semanchuk philip at semanchuk.com
Sat Dec 1 21:49:18 CET 2012

On Dec 1, 2012, at 3:07 PM, Robert Steckroth wrote:

> Pygui is underway! It is a Python SDL Wrapper for quick application
> development. I have posted a short video to Youtube for proof of concept.
> The goal of PyGui is to maintain a safe framework environment for stable
> and graphical application creation. It will use a macro event system
> attached python callbacks for execution of code or binary/script files.
> There will be zero memory concerns which will allow software developers to
> finish small projects on there own. It aims to be HTML like in design with
> many of its' features. Feel free to contact me with any questions as it
> needs much support.

Hi Robert,
Is this different from Greg Ewing's PyGui?


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