[capi-sig] Storing bytecode files in an alternative directory

Terry Westley twestley at gmail.com
Fri Oct 14 17:41:23 CEST 2011

PEP 304 was withdrawn, but those of us embedding Python need a way to put
.py files in read-only memory and .pyc files in a separate writable
directory. Short of resurrecting PEP 304, is there a known mod that I could
use for this purpose?

My situation is an iPhone/iPad app (http://www.sabonrai.com/PythonMath/).
Python source files need to be part of the app bundle which is in a
non-writable directory. I've found that even compiling all the .py files
doesn't work because the interpreter wants to rebuild .pyc files for certain
modules and I get an unlink deny error for them.


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