[capi-sig] exceptions, the right way

M.-A. Lemburg mal at egenix.com
Thu Nov 17 11:41:00 CET 2011

Lee wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am new to Python C/API, I am trying to follow the official docs, but
> I am confused about raising and catching exceptions from an extension.
> For the example provided at 
> Extending and Embedding the Python Interpreter
> 2. Defining New Types
> 2.1.2. Providing finer control over data attributes
> eg I don't seem to be able to catch the exceptions raised by the getsetters functions, 
> the interpreter will just end up in an ugly crash. Something like:
> try:
>     del mynoddy.last
> except TypeError, e:
>     print "Error: ", e
> doesn't work. I understand that PyErr_SetString just sets the error and does not raises the exception.
> Am I missing something?
> I am using Python ver 2.6.6 on Windows.
> Any advice is greatly appreciated,

I'm not sure I understand what you want to do, but raising
and catching exceptions in C is not hard:

* You raise them by using one of the PyErr_Set*() APIs and return NULL/-1
from your function.

* You catch them by checking for NULL/-1 returns and then asking the
PyErr_Occurred() function to see whether an exception was set. If so,
you can use one of the PyErr_*Matches() functions to determine whether
you want to catch the exception or not. If not, you simply pass on
the NULL/-1 return value to the higher level function in your call



Marc-Andre Lemburg

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