[capi-sig] Announcing project PyBindGen

Stefan Behnel python_capi at behnel.de
Tue Sep 25 11:55:44 CEST 2007

Gustavo Carneiro wrote:
> I'd like to announce a new project for producing python extensions

Launchpad lists lots of (non-existing?) releases and shows a Bazaar history of
four months. May I ask in what sense this project is "new"?

The front page also says:

Generation is controlled exclusively by a Python API, no limited command-line
interface or yet another interface definition file format

There doesn't seem to be any documentation. Could you give a simple example
for that?

>   More information in: https://launchpad.net/pybindgen/

You should create a PyPI page for it. People are more likely to look for it there.


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