[capi-sig] Best Place to start a C/API Cookbook

Campbell Barton cbarton at metavr.com
Thu Sep 6 06:51:09 CEST 2007

Hi, Id like to start a C/API cookbook and collect generic useful utility 
functions there that can be a resource for people who are newer to the C 

This page dosnt really ave any sections that match a C/API cookbook, and 
you need a login to do so.

We could start a wikibook here at http://en.wikibooks.org

A while back I started one for Blender3D/Python

There are quite a few generic functions in Blender3D's python API that 
Id add in there and Im sure others here have some code they could 
contribute too.

- Cam

Campbell J Barton (ideasman42)

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