[Canberra-PUG] Fwd: Deadline 17 Sep: Startup Catalyst Youth Mission

Gavin Jackson gavin.jackson at gmail.com
Wed Sep 13 01:49:28 EDT 2017

Hi guys,

Please see the message below from Tom - if you don't fit the criteria,
please pass on to those who may benefit from such an experience!


{e} gavin.jackson at gmail.com {mb} 0422 443 980
{skype} gavin6252 {twitter} @gavz {blog} www.gavinj.net
{g+} profiles.google.com/gavin.jackson

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Tom Robinson <tom at entry29.org.au>
Date: Wed, Sep 13, 2017 at 3:23 PM
Subject: Deadline 17 Sep: Startup Catalyst Youth Mission
To: Gavin Jackson <gavin.jackson at gmail.com>

Hi Gavin,

*Could you please pass this email about the upcoming Startup Catalyst Youth
Mission to anyone you feel relevant. Thanks for giving me and Awais some
time the other night at the CPUG meeting to speak about this and The Hub.
I'm really looking forward to ongoing collaboration between E29/The Hub and

The Startup Catalyst Youth Mission
<http://www.contactually.com/li/efd9d951581b1c294248> application deadline
is this Sunday (17th of September). This is an opportunity for a fully
funded, 10-day mission to San Francisco and Silicon Valley from the 29th
Oct to 10th Nov this year.

Ideal candidates have these attributes:

   - Are between 18 and 29 years of age
   - They have domain expertise (the ability to create things) [This can be
   anything from software skills to agriculture to design]
   - Leadership potential
   - They are startup curious (but there is no requirement to have started
   a business)
   - They have a #givefirst
   <http://www.contactually.com/li/f8fcb6070338993b34ad> approach to life

I have checked in with Aaron Birkby
<http://www.contactually.com/li/aebdc7eb115b9258043b> (Startup Catalyst
CEO) and we only have 1 application from the ACT so far. The ACT has some
amazing talent and a single application definitely doesn't reflect the
depth of our talent pool.

As a Startup Catalyst Alumni, I can say that this mission is truly a
life-changing experience for participants. I wouldn't have applied to
become E29's CEO without it.

Please share this with your networks.

P.S. I have also just been confirmed to take over from Colin Kinner as one
of 2 Mission leaders on the ground.

*For some tips on how to write an application, a friend of mine has written
this up to help: <http://www.contactually.com/li/ac683aa562b860d20e1f>

Tom Robinson

Mob: +61 405 810 144 <0405%20810%20144>
Web: http://entry29.org.au/
Coffee: Long Black

*E29 Locations:*
(1) E29 at CIVIC (https://goo.gl/maps/GGSzZPkQGok
(2) E29 at UC (https://goo.gl/maps/DHz17nGEYWJ2
(3) The Renewables Innovation Hub (https://goo.gl/maps/Cp2dyCQLELB2
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