[Canberra-PUG] August meetup - tomorrow night

Gavin Jackson gavin.jackson at gmail.com
Tue Aug 1 04:59:54 EDT 2017

Hi All,

Don't forget, the August CPUG meetup is on this Thursday night!

*From REPL to reliable: working code without wasting time - Zac

*Abstract: *Sometimes the perfect code is run in a terminal and thrown
away; other times it's carefully designed, tested, and reviewed.  We'll
explore a spectrum from simple data processing, detour via automation and
library development, and finish at the gnarly end with a recent upgrade to
Hypothesis.  What's the ideal amount of design and testing?  How do you
know?  And what habits and tools can you pick up to get the most out of the
inevitable tradeoffs?

*Bio:* Zac Hatfield-Dodds works at ANU, wrangling big environmental data
with the scientific and spatial Python stack, and volunteers on a variety
of open-source projects, including as a maintainer for Hypothesis.  He also
enjoys rock climbing, canoeing, and hiking - hobbies where there's no
temptation to see how well a computer could be made to do it for him.
Same time, same place. Please RSVP here:


Huge thanks to David Smith from Peoplebank (venue, food and drinks), Andrew
Ritchie from Redhat (speaker gift certificate) and Ed Schofield from Python
Charmers (paying the meetup.com fees) for their ongoing support with the


{e} gavin.jackson at gmail.com {mb} 0422 443 980
{skype} gavin6252 {twitter} @gavz {blog} www.gavinj.net
{g+} profiles.google.com/gavin.jackson
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