[Canberra-PUG] Meeting tonight - continuous integration 6pm start time

Gavin Jackson gavin.jackson at gmail.com
Thu Jun 5 02:45:25 CEST 2014

Hi guys,

Just noticed that the G+ event had an incorrect start time - it is 6pm (not

See you there! Event details available on our G+ community event page (also
repeated below):


Date/Time: Today 6pm
Location: Australian National University John Dedman Building G35 (the
Neumann Room)
 Come join us for a discussion on Continuous Integration. We have two
presentations currently lined up, the first will be John Weng talking about
writing Webdriver tests in python for building a suite of web acceptance
tests (and also a set of nagios production heartbeat tests).

The second presentation will be Gavin Jackson talking about using Jenkins
for continuous integration (including build, unit test execution,
acceptance test execution via Webdriver, Mercurial integration and remote
deployment challenges).

Please come and share your CI experiences with the group (particularly if
you have experience with Buildbot and Cruise Control!). See you there (and
don't forget to bring your friends/colleagues!).

*References/Background Reading*
Nagios (IT infrastructure monitoring): http://www.nagios.org/
Jenkins (CI server): http://jenkins-ci.org/
Jenkins Bitnami Installer: https://bitnami.com/stack/jenkins/installer
Python Webdriver: http://selenium-python.readthedocs.org/en/latest/api.html


{e} gavin.jackson at gmail.com {mb} 0422 443 980
{skype} gavin6252 {twitter} @gavz {blog} www.gavinj.net
{g+} profiles.google.com/gavin.jackson
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