[Canberra-PUG] Calling Aussie Python coders: $10k in cash & prizes up for grabs in the Codehire Cup

Nathan Hockley nathan at codehire.com
Wed May 22 16:57:57 CEST 2013

Hi guys,


I’ve got some exciting news today, we've just opened registrations to our
free Australian based coding competition called the Codehire Cup.

It is an individual based event with contestants battling to solve problems
in Python, C/C#/C++, PHP, JavaScript, Java or Ruby in the fastest time
possible for cash, prizes and glory!

The competition begins June 8 with the preliminary and semi-final rounds
being held online. If you’re one of the top competitors during these online
rounds, you’ll be offered a spot in the live finale at Fishburners in
Sydney (July 13), and have the chance to share in over $10,000 in cash and

(If you do make it to the finals and can’t make it to Sydney you can
compete remotely.)

They will be releasing last year’s problems and possible solutions so you
have an idea of tests that will be on offer.

Think you’ve got what it takes? Put your code where your keyboard is and
register for free today at http://Codehire.com/cup <http://cdh.re/PythonAU>

Registrations close Midnight AEST on the 7th of June, 2013.*
*We'd also love to know your thoughts on any other languages we should look
to add. *
*Thanks guys,*
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