[Bundle-sponsorship-wg] DRAFT email: Introducing International PyCon Sponsorship Bundles for 2016

Ewa Jodlowska ewa at python.org
Tue Dec 29 17:12:06 EST 2015

Hi Betsy - This looks good! It is fine to have them respond to
bundle-sponsorship-wg at python.org <pycon-sponsors at python.org>. I actually
prefer that method. This way more than one person will see an email just in
case someone is away for a week or what not.

I like the fact that you added in the conference dates in the second table.
I think it may be good to add the dates into the color legend table. You
can do both or just the legend. Both may be more clear and cause less

How do you feel about the prospectus in its current state?

Best regards,

Director of Operations
Python Software Foundation
Cell: 415-319-5237

On Tue, Dec 29, 2015 at 3:33 PM, Betsy Waliszewski <betsy at python.org> wrote:

> I've made all the corrections to the color coding and checked to make sure
> everything is correct.
> Here is my first draft of the email to go out to potential sponsors. I
> wasn't sure what email they should respond to.
> thanks,
> b
> ==================
> Hello,
> Python is one the top 5 languages deployed by enterprises worldwide. Want
> to engage with the Python community all around the world? Now you can
> support community-led Python conferences across the world through one
> central point of contact - the Python Software Foundation.
> Regardless of the venue, Python community conferences attract a diverse
> and exclusive audience of developers, technologists, programmers and
> hackers; bloggers, authors and web developers; CTOs, managers and
> entrepreneurs; scientists, engineers and domain experts.
> The Python Software Foundation has put together a prospectus to allow you
> to customize your sponsorship bundle or to sponsor* all 10 *of the
> international PyCons participating in our program.
> Please see the attached prospectus and feel free to email our team
> directly at bundle-sponsorship-wg at python.org <pycon-sponsors at python.org> if
> you have any questions or want more information before deciding whether to
> step forward as a sponsor. Thank you!
> ================
> --
> Betsy Waliszewski
> Python Software Foundation
> Event Coordinator / Administrator
> @betswaliszewski
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