[Bundle-sponsorship-wg] ACTION NEEDED: International Sponsorship Bundle - Prospectus

Nick Coghlan ncoghlan at gmail.com
Mon Dec 28 19:43:09 EST 2015

On 29 Dec 2015 08:16, "Ewa Jodlowska" <ewa at python.org> wrote:
> Hi Betsy -
> I love the color coating to better organize it visually. It is a
"monster" of a document. You are absolutely correct about that :)
> I do suggest turning it onto a document PDF instead of a spreadsheet and
for the PDF to be informational just like a conference prospectus. I have
created it into a PDF[1]... let me know your thoughts on this type of
layout. It did not copy over properly so you would have to fix the color
scheme of the "X"s. It could also use further descriptions.
> A few other things:
> I see the bundle cost for "all of the PyCons" in a particular level, but
what about the pricing for individual conferences for the "pick and choose"
options? The far left table shows costs of sponsor packages without admin
fees. Perhaps you can turn that far-left list of sponsor package costs into
that list. I have added it to PDF below, but please double check the math.

Something I realised I liked about this version is that keeping it simple
this year (i.e. focusing on the all inclusive option and the "a la carte"
option) means we can focus on getting the program up and running in the
first place, and then look at introducing additional flexibility (like the
regional bundles) in 2017 and beyond, hopefully with more conferences on
the roster.

It also means any future discounts on admin fees for conference bundles can
be calibrated based on actual experience with the effort involved in
running the program.

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