[Bundle-sponsorship-wg] ACTION NEEDED: International Sponsorship Bundle - Prospectus

Betsy Waliszewski betsy at python.org
Tue Dec 15 15:46:09 EST 2015

Hi all,

I've completed the first draft of the International Sponsorship Prospectus.
It was challenging making the document easy to read, with 10 conferences
participating. I color-coordinated each of the participating conferences
with their benefits, so hopefully it can be understood. I've been looking
at it for weeks, so I know what is there. Fresh eyes will see it
differently ;-).

I need everyone's feedback on anything that's not clear and/or suggestions
to make it clear to sponsors what we're proposing. We can use the intro
language already written from the original doc:
the email we send to sponsors. Not sure if we want to allow sponsors to
build their own package, but that's up for discussion, obviously.

Here is the link and I also shared the doc with each of you.


Let me know if you want the total sponsorship fees rounded up to the
nearest $1,000. I think most packages do that (ex. instead of $81,200 it
becomes $82,000).

Here is my initial list of sponsors who have expressed an interest in this
type of package:

   1. Bank of America
   2. LinkedIn
   3. Red Hat
   4. Microsoft
   5. OpenEye Scientific Software
   6. Globo

Please let me know if you have any other suggestions for sponsors to reach
out to.

2016 just weeks away, so we're running out of time to offer this for 2016.
I'd like to roll this out right after the holidays, so if you could please
look this over and give me your comments no later than Monday, December 28,
that would be most excellent.

Thanks in advance for your thoughts,


Betsy Waliszewski
Python Software Foundation
Event Coordinator / Administrator
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