[Borgbackup] Restore

Peter Albrecht peter at crazymonkeys.de
Wed Feb 8 15:12:32 EST 2023

Hello Boris,

On 08.02.23 19:46, Boris Kirkorowicz wrote:
> Hi,
> Am 08.02.23 um 17:03 schrieb Alberto Luaces:
>> Hi,Boris Kirkorowicz <bkborg at kirk.de> writes:
>> [...]
>>> backup:
>>>> borg init -e=none $CRYPTDIR/Kalender
>>>> borg create -v -p --stats $CRYPTDIR/Kalender::'{now:%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M}' 
>>>> $HOME/Dokumente/Sicherungen/Kalender
>> [...]
>>> then:
>>>> borg list $CRYPTDIR/Kalender
>>>> 2023-02-08_13-32                     Wed, 2023-02-08 13:32:22 
>>>> [a7a60d216705d749901f565e2acbb7d5af544dfbe41b3e9886467eafcaf4d042]
>>> of course:
>>>> sfo2205:~ # borg mount 
>>>> /mnt/rs1219a/a7a60d216705d749901f565e2acbb7d5af544dfbe41b3e9886467eafcaf4d042 /mnt/borg
>>>> Repository 
>>>> /mnt/rs1219a/a7a60d216705d749901f565e2acbb7d5af544dfbe41b3e9886467eafcaf4d042 does not exist.
>>> What did I do wrong?
>> If you are creating the archive named Kalender::2023-02-08_13-32, you
>> have to refer to it as such:
>> borg mount /path_to/Kalender::2023-02-08_13-32 /mnt/borg
> I see, THX.
> Do I have to mount and look into all existing repos one by one to find a certain 
> file, e.g. created at a certain date/time?

You can omit the specific archiv ID while mounting:

borg mount /path_to/Kalender /mnt/borg

in this case, the whole repository with all archives will be mounted. And then 
you can look with a tool like "find" (https://manpages.org/find) in this 
directory for version of your file.


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