[Borgbackup] Subject: Re: FW: Local backup media file system corrupt. Best way to recover?

Thomas Waldmann tw at waldmann-edv.de
Wed Nov 9 05:08:24 EST 2022

> config data  hints.4404  index.4404  integrity.4404  nonce  README
> And if I do
> ls: repo/config
> there are no files listed
 > the config directory is empty (or if it's not I need to use some switch
 > with ls)

repo/config is a text FILE (if repo/ is the borg repository directory), 
not a directory.

> fyi, I am using Borg in conjunction with rear, so perhaps the way that 
> rear implements Borg is not the way that you assume.

I don't have experience with rear, but I would assume that the borg repo 
directory looks as it usually does.

> Ironically, I was willing to create a new local repository, but I felt 
> that if I could use an off-site repository as a starting point it would 
> be better because I would have all the backup history. And I still feel 
> that is the case, which is why I am persisting with trying to work this out.
> FWIW the "cryptographically secure" considerations that have been 
> mentioned don't concern me in the slightest.

OK, then you can use the id + 1 method as I described.

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