[Borgbackup] Subject: Re: FW: Local backup media file system corrupt. Best way to recover?

gday vw gdayvw at gmail.com
Tue Nov 8 07:47:40 EST 2022

The problem here is that I'm not really clear on what I need to do.

So, for clarity, let me state what I have done so far:

1. I had a local copy of a Borg repository that was lost when the
filesystem was corrupted
2. I also have an off-site Borg repository which was still intact
3. Rather than creating a new local repository, I asked whether it was
possible to copy the off-site repository
4. I was informed that it was possible to copy the off-site repository
5. I then proceeded to copy the entire off-site repository (i.e. I had a
duplicate file structure locally). I didn't update any other borg files on
the local system (i.e I made no changes to the contents of ~/.config)
6. After "restoring" the local Borg repository, I was able to add new
archives to the "restored" local repository. So, everything looked 'sweet'
7. However, when I tried to update the off-site repository, that action
failed because:
"Borg: Cache, or information obtained from the security directory is newer
than repository - this is either an attack or unsafe (multiple repos with
same ID)"
8. There are undoubtedly multiple repos with the same ID, because clearly
by me making a complete copy of the off-site repository, I have duplicated
the off-site repository ID when I made a copy of the off-site Borg

What is not clear to me, is whether it is possible to change the repository
ID of the local Borg repository which I have copied?

And if it is possible to change the repository ID, what are the steps?

I've had a look at the Borg documentation.

I can't see any option with init to change the repository ID (although I
don't claim to be a borg expert so I could be mistaken here).

Ideally, I need advice on how to change the repository ID.
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