[Borgbackup] Problem with borg mount

Joseph Hesse joehesse at gmail.com
Thu Nov 11 21:43:39 EST 2021

I attempted to restore my home directory from my latest backup on an 
external hard drive using "borg mount".  The restore crashed with the 
error message "cp: cannot stat 'file' : transport endpoint is not 
connected".  I was informed by Thomas Waldmann that this is a problem 
with fuse related code crashing and is a generic error message not 
connected with borg.  He suggested that I run "borg mount -f" in the 
foreground to get a more useful error message.

I ran borg mount with the foreground option and it again crashed. This 
time I attempted the restore from a borg server.  Here are the error 
messages.  Text with "***" at the beginning are my comments.


*** This came after running the command - the folder is writable, I am 
the owner and group and it has permissions 700 and lives in /borg with 
root as the owner and group and has permissions 755.
/borg/fusermountcloud: Mountpoint must be a writable directory
Press any key for menu

*** Next I tried this and got the following.  The folder /borg contains 
the mount point folder
[root at JoePC2 borg]# ls -l
ls: cannot access 'fusermountcloud': Permission denied
total 8
d????????? ? ?   ?      ?            ? fusermountcloud
drwx------ 2 joe joe 4096 Nov  7 06:39 fusermountdisk
drwx------ 2 joe joe 4096 Nov  7 06:39 repo
[root at JoePC2 borg]#

*** I tried to remove the /borg directory containing the mountpoint and 
it didn't work
[root at JoePC2 /]# rm -r -f borg
rm: cannot remove 'borg/fusermountcloud': Is a directory

*** I rebooted my computer, the other two folders in /borg are missing
[root at JoePC2 borg]# ls -l
total 4
drwx------ 2 joe joe 4096 Nov  7 06:39 fusermountcloud
[root at JoePC2 borg]#


Thank you for reading this.  Thank you in advance for any help you give me.

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