[Borgbackup] default list of exclusions

Default User hunguponcontent at gmail.com
Sun Sep 26 12:34:35 EDT 2021


I want to try using borgbackup to do backups of my (only) user directory:

I just want to do so using Vorta, a GUI for borgbackup.

But I just need a good, general list of directory and file type
exclusions that I can just cut and paste into the Exclude Patterns
window in Vorta.  Something like the  that
appears by default in the Backintime backup program, or a similar one
that is used by default in deja-dup.

Note 1: borgbackup uses a matching pattern called "Fnmatch" with which
I am not familiar, and don't want to learn by trial and error, losing
data in the process.  Which is why I am looking for a "drop-in" basic
exclude list.

Note 2: I am not intending to use borgbackup to back up the whole
system; just /home/debian-user and its subdirectories.  I am using
timeshift to back up the rest of the system.

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