[Borgbackup] Check

Ipsen S Ripsbusker ipsens at ripsbusker.no.eu.org
Sun Mar 31 23:12:32 EDT 2019

Dear Collective,

Suppose I run "borg create ..." on one computer with the repository
on another computer. Then I remove power from the first computer.
How can I inspect the records on the second computer to figure
out what "borg create ..." did before I removed the power?

For context, here is my motivitation for this question. Lately, a few
minutes I start my full system borg backup, the system ceases to respond
to my interactions and begins to print "ahci0: unrecoverable errors
(IS: 10<UFS>), disabling port." and over and over to dmesg. Then I turn
it off, reboot, run fsck, and get errors about "softraid0: sd4: i/o
error 5 @ CRYPTO block". This has also happened at least once when
I wasn't running borg, but it happens reliably when I run borg.
So it seems like something is wrong with my (OpenBSD) sd4 softraid
device. Or maybe the SSD underneath it. Since borg accesses lots
of things on the filesystem and writes stuff to another computer,
it may create records that are useful for debugging this issue.

With great humility,

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