[Borgbackup] Data integrity error: Invalid segment entry size 0 - too small

Michael Siepmann MS at TechDesignPsych.com
Fri Mar 8 10:37:59 EST 2019

On 3/7/19 10:27 AM, Thomas Waldmann wrote:
>> Data integrity error: Invalid segment entry size 0 - too small
>> [segment 253305, offset 2331522]
> Maybe have a look at repo_dir/data/.../253305 file.
> How long is it? Can it be read w/o problems?

ls -la 253305 shows this:

-rw------- 1 M-Laptop users 6743797 Jul 20  2018 253305

When I do "cat 253305" it seems to work without an error, and copying it
to another location with cp also seemed to work fine. Is there a better
way to test whether it can be read without problems?

>> borg.helpers.IntegrityError: Data integrity error: Invalid segment
>> entry size 0 - too small [segment 253305, offset 2331522]
> Possible explanations:
> - data file in repo corrupt
> - repo index corrupt (pointing to a bad segment/offset location for
> some object)
> - in-memory corruption happening
> Corruption can be caused by: bad RAM, hard disk issues, cabling,
> filesystem and other OS issues.
> Before trying to borg check --repair the repo, you should rule out
> hardware issues (or it might get worse), so:
> - run a full run of memtest86+ on repo server and borg client.
> - also run smartctl -t long on the repo disk and check the results
> afterwards with smartctl -a.

I did those, and found no problems. I couldn't use memtest86+ on the
server since it's a Synology Diskstation, but it has its own memtest
option and it passed that.

I tried "borg -v check --repository-only $REPOSITORY" before, without
the repair option, and it did nothing beyond saying "Starting repository
check" for many hours. I'm running that again now (without the repair
option for now). How long might I need to wait to let it complete?

>> Platform: Linux personal 4.14.74-1.pvops.qubes.x86_64 #1 SMP Mon Oct
>> 8 17:14:24 UTC 2018 x86_64
> Yay, Qubes \o/


>> Linux: Fedora 29 Twenty Nine
>> Borg: 1.1.8  Python: CPython 3.7.2
> There is 1.1.9 (just saying, not related to your problem).
Good to know. I guess the Fedora 29 repo hasn't upgraded to that yet.


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